
Two weekends ago, we went to our friends’ house.  We have been friends with the Sellers since Mark was little.

Megan, the older boys, and I made a large train set. It had houses and buildings with it. One Megan used to dump people into trains. Another building turned the trains so it would dump, we dumped Lego people with it. 

On Saturday we went on a hike. The place we hiked had a lot of rocks and caves. We went into a cave and pretended it was very small but it was very big. Another cave had pictures on the rocks. They were neat. There was some snow, and we had snowball fights. One snowball smacked me right in the face and my nose was cold for a few seconds. We had lots of fun.

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One response

  1. Adrian-being together was so special! We made memories:) I love seeing how much you have grown and the young man God is developing in you.
    Your snowball face plant was such an unexpected event and truly made me laugh!! It was also a delight to watch that well lived train set get played with again!!
    I love you!
    Auntie Kristi

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