In August we went to Badlands National Park. On the first day there we went to the visitor center and got our Junior Ranger books to complete to get a badge. We also asked if there was any bison* around. We were told they were not in the park but were slowly heading back there. We did see some bison later that week though.
The next day we hiked Saddle Pass Trail, Medicine Root Trail, and part of Castle Trail. We saw a bighorn sheep and some bugs. Then we took a break for the afternoon, but that evening we went on the Window Trail and the Door Trail.**

Later that week we went on the Notch Trail. It had a short walk through the prairie then a rope ladder. After that it was a narrow walk on a rock ledge and then ended over a look out. It was really pretty.**
*Bison are NOT buffalo. Buffalo are bovines in the genus Bubalina that live in Africa and southeast Asia. Bison are bovines in the genus Bison that live in Europe and North America.
** Click on a image to see all of it
Wonderful photos! Sounds like fun!