Category Archives: gym class

Climbing A Tree

Hanging on

We were going through pictures and found these. It is too cold for climbing, but it was a fun memory and I wanted to share.

In April, I got to climb a tree a different way. It was fun! I was a little scared though. I had fun and would like to do it again.

I wish we still had a climbing tree in our front yard.  None of the trees in the woods are really good for climbing.




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IMG_9745.AdrianToday is the first snow of the year (2016 that is.) We went to Oxbow park and went sledding, it was fun! I went sledding backward and face-ward. The sled that I used was the one that went the farthest but one of the slowest. Mark taught us “that gravity pulls things down” and “a body in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by the deep (hopefully) snow.” Then we took a walk and played in the field. After that we went home and drank hot cocoa. We had fun!

First Soccer Game!

Today was my first soccer game for this year. I was defense.  My job was to keep the ball on the side away from my goal. It was a hard but easy job.  We lost the game, but we will play this team again and we will do much better!

I started Soccer when I was in Pre-k.  This is my fourth year in soccer. Except for the first year when Momma learned how to coach, Daddy has been my coach every year. Daddy is a GOOD coach.

I had fun!

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* I don’t have a game  Memorial Day Weekend (23 May).  Except for that week, I have a game every week until the 20th of June.  All the games are at Northside Nazarene Church in Elkhart.

Soccer Practice

BallI started soccer practice on Monday. My coach is Daddy. I am running, dribbling, passing and juggling so I can get better. I have 5 boys, not including me, on my team.

AdriansoccerMy games will be starting 25 April at 10:00.  I don’t have a game  Memorial Day Weekend (23 May).  I have a game every week after that until the 20th of June.  All the games are at Northside Nazarene Church in Elkhart.

Field Trip

SwingingYesterday Megan, Audrey, Audrey’s friend (Evie),  Andrea, Mark, Momma and I went to Ox bow park. I took Mark’s camera. We went to the playground and rode the tire swing. We took a nature walk looking for “Florida”* and fauna.  I took lots of pictures. We had fun.

*I accidentally called it Florida and everyone laughed. I know it is supposed to be flora.

First Sledding of Season

Yesterday, there was enough snow to go sledding on the hills in the park. I sometimes had to be pushed. Once I fell over. And once Andrea tried a roll up sled. She fell off and the sled sledded down the hill. So Andrea had to get it. Soon the hill was mostly grass again.

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