While going through a dictionary I noticed that many words could be redefined. Here is part one of the dictionary, the A’s
Air-con·di·tion (âr`kэndish`эn), verb.
A particular state of being for air, or to limit or restrict air.
The air-condition was cold today
An·ti·air·craft (an`tē âr`kraft`), noun.
A vehicle that does not fly, float, or move in air without touching the
ground or water. Examples; cars, boats, or submarines, ect.
I rode in a anti-aircraft to the park.
Arm·chair (ärm`chэr), noun.
A chair having or bearing weapons, esp firearms, but not restricting any kind of weapons.
In Chairland there is a group of evil armchairs
Art·less (ärt`lis), adj.
To be without anything in the realm of things that have beauty and form.
The king of the Goblins was artless
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