
TurtleHerps are reptiles and amphibians. Turtles and snakes are reptiles. They lay their eggs on land. Some reptiles lay live young.BullfrogTiger Salamander 

Frogs, toads and Tiger Salamanders are amphibians. They lay eggs in the water.

I wanted to hold all these animals because I like them. Miss Krista said we could hold the reptiles and amphibians after camp. I wanted to hold them, but it was not really hard to wait. Class was only 4 hours and a lot of fun.

The big kids had Indiana Jr. Naturalist Day Camp and it was longer, 8-5 for a week. Ours was 9-1 for three days. I did not think that was very fair! They got more time and more days. But, I would rather have 9-1 for a week, I was not really tired, but I was.

CornsnakeI had fun at camp. I hope to go again next year.Frog